Capturing the value of CO2: Transforming a liability into an asset
By Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group
While much of the technology exists to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2), many technologies linked to scaling up the CO2 capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) value chain are still at the laboratory or demonstration stage. Major challenges must be overcome to increase the number and scale of CCUS projects and create a viable market for CO2.
Developing a positive CCUS value chain that operates at scale could turn sequestered CO2 from a liability into an asset.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group has been an early pioneer of several technologies aimed at capturing, transporting and storing CO2. This whitepaper will explore some of the initiatives and technologies being developed to turn CO2 into a tradable commodity. It will also demonstrate how the environmental and business cases of developing a CCUS value chain align, and why this is critical for reaching net-zero emissions.