Xcel Energy has secured approval from the Public Utility Commission of Texas in the US to build new wind energy facilities in Texas and New Mexico.

The commission agreed to advance a plan to add 1,230MW of additional wind energy to the regional generating mix.

Xcel Energy – New Mexico, Texas president David Hudson said: “The new wind farms will help power a growing regional economy with clean energy while providing the lowest-cost generating resource on our system.

“Not only will these wind farms save customers money, but they’ll also preserve precious water resources and spur regional economic activity.”

Following the approval, Xcel Energy will build and own the two new wind farms. The company selected Wanzek Construction to build them.

Wanzek Construction, which is also building new Xcel Energy wind energy facilities in North Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota, plans to use local subcontractors and suppliers for various construction aspects of the wind farms.

Construction on the first wind farm, the 478MW Hale Wind Project near Plainview, Texas, is expected to start in June this year.

The second facility, on which construction will start next year, will be the 522MW Sagamore Wind Project near Portales, New Mexico.

Together, the new facilities are set to produce enough wind energy to power about 360,000 homes and create about 600 construction jobs.

The company has also secured approval to enter into contract with NextEra Energy Resources to purchase 230MW of wind energy through a long-term contract.