Spain-based on-site renewable energy systems firm Norvento has unveiled a new bioplant anaerobic digestion system for agricultural, utility and industrial use across the UK.
The bioplant allows small and medium sized organisations and landowners to convert organic waste into renewable gas and electricity.
The new system is medium sized and is for agricultural and landfill waste sectors.
The company claims that these sector will benefit from the system's Feed-in Tariff (FiT) and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) features, which range between 150kWh for electricity and 600kWh for heat.
It is said to be a modular and automated anaerobic digestion plant that can be customised to the energy and budget demands of the end user and the existing fuel source.
The bioplant collects, stores and treats waste, generating renewable biogas. The biogas is improved and pumped into a boiler or cogeneration engine to create heat and electricity.
The new bioplant system is a part of enhancing renewable energy product line intended to meet the demand for on-site power production and consumption.
According to the company, the system has been successfully deployed in Spain at Xustás Farm, an intensive dairy farm in Galicia, where it is converting slurry and plant waste into 280,000kWh of energy per year and fulfilling 100% of on-site heat and power demand.
It is also being used at Casa Macán Dairy, a cheese factory in Galicia, where it covers 40% of total heat and electricity demand.
Norvento UK Business Development director Ivo Arnús said: “The economics of small and medium biogas generation really stack up for users with energy-intensive on-site processes, especially if the energy demand is heat-based.
“Having supported UK landowners and businesses for some years with our nED100 wind turbines, we’re now enabling these users to further diversify their sources of income with a highly efficient AD system that delivers rapid return on investment and long-term energy cost savings.
"Wind turbines and biogas solutions share a similar customer base – plus these two technologies can work really well together in a micro-grid, which is the next step for on-site generation.”