Finnish energy company Helen Oy has partnered with MAN Energy Solutions and PEM electrolysis specialist H-TEC SYSTEMS to build a 3MW green hydrogen production plant in the vicinity of Helsinki’s district heating network and the Vuosaari Harbour.
Green hydrogen is produced by running an electric current produced by renewable sources through electrodes in water, separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. It is considered the most environmentally friendly form of hydrogen, and is therefore sought after by governments across the world. The EU aims to produce ten million tonnes (mt) and import 10mt of green hydrogen by 2030.
As part of the development of green hydrogen in Finland, MAN Energy Solutions will be responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction of the hydrogen plant, along with the delivery of hydrogen-related equipment.
H-TEC SYSTEMS will supply three proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers for the plant. According to a press release, PEM electrolysis is well suited for coupling with intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. It requires less energy per kilogram of hydrogen produced than alkaline electrolysis. H-TEC is a subsidiary of MAN Energy Solutions.
The PEM electrolysers will produce up to 1,350kg of green hydrogen per day utilising renewable energy generated from Helen’s portfolio. Helen Oy plans to distribute the hydrogen to industrial customers via a pipeline. Any waste heat will be used in Helen’s district heating network.
Sari Mannonen, senior vice-president of business and hydrogen at Helen Oy, said: “The 3H2 project is the first of its kind in the world by combining four different sectors, electricity, heating, transportation and hydrogen as well as flexibility between them.”